Get A Auto Clicker For Your Dog

Tue 28 September 2021

Filed under Auto Clicker

Getting a puppy is fun but getting an animal to walk properly is a little more work. As much fun as it is getting the dog from "dog school" to the yard, teaching him some basic commands and how to behave can be one of the most frustrating parts of owning a dog. If you've owned a dog for any length of time you know that training can be a long process. You will spend hours on end giving the dog commands like sit and stay. But it doesn't stop there. It gets even harder once your dog starts going out to explore his surroundings and the real world outside the "dog school."

how to get a auto clicker


The longer you wait to start training your dog, the longer it will take. Eventually, you will want to get your dog to do certain things without your instruction. And this is where an electronic collar can come in handy. An automatic collar is the perfect way to teach your dog how to walk properly. Here's how.


First of all, before you go through the process of getting your dog to walk on a leash with an automatic clicker, you must make sure that your dog is healthy. You might want to bring your dog into the doctor and have him checked out, just in case. Most dogs are perfectly healthy as far as the physical make up goes. However, if there is a serious issue like arthritis or some type of heart problem or other issue, you will need to consult with a professional first.

Get A Auto Clicker For Your Dog


Once your dog is healthy, you can move on to teaching your dog how to get an auto clicker to go off. To teach your dog this, you will need a few tools. The first tool is a small hand-held clicking device called a clicker. These can be found at most pet stores or online.

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You will also need an audio clip of a treat (your dog will know what the sound of the click is.) You should place the clicker near your dog's collar. It is ideal if the sound of the click is on your dog's collar. If not, you should place the clip at the collar but still within easy reach.

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Before you begin teaching your dog how to respond to the clicking sound with the clicker, you should take a few moments to get your dog's attention. Have your dog on a leash but not tied to anything yet. Approach your dog from a safe distance and toss the treat in front of your dog's nose. The instant your dog sniff the treat, immediately put your hand in front of your dog's nose and say the word "click." If your dog stays on his lead, give him the treat and praise him.

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Once he has responded correctly to the click, you can begin to use the verbal command associated with the command. If your dog responds to the verbal command he should stop and sit. This command works well if you hold the treat above his head while giving the verbal command. In the meanwhile, you can give your dog treats as you gently guide him towards his sitting area.


The last step in learning how to get an auto clicker for your dog is to work with him one-on-one. It is important that you work one-on-one with your dog so that your dog does not feel like you are invading his territory. Start by giving your dog a treat as you introduce yourself. As you do this, make sure to verbally praise your dog for behaving correctly.

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